High Level of Attendance at the TISE 2016

TISE 2016

The International Surface Event of 2016 was visited by more people than ever possible. This is confirmed by Dallas–Informa Exhibitions. Their report says that about 10% attendee growth is clearly seen and this is a significant, great rate. It is considered to be a perspective for sales growth in stores for the year ahead.


TISE reported that the overall attendance became higher and made 10% more than in the previous year. The participants in this event were all sorts of professionals representing all segments of floor covering industry. They were designers and architects, distributors and retailers, clients, installers and many others who came from different parts of the world. It means that TISE is the event of international character.

It is important to mention Ignite conference program that became a major part of this event. With the help of it many professionals and people working in the field gathered together to acquire knowledge, information and develop professional qualities and skills. More than seven hundreds of companies were presented at this exhibition. This grandiose event was also gorgeous in the scale and space. A million square feet speaks for itself! New products, new services, new representatives, new brands – TISE beat a new record in all spheres!

from Home Improvementer //
High Level of Attendance at the TISE 2016


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