Tarkett in C2C Products Symposium

Cradle to Cradle Product Symposium

Several representatives of Tarkett Company took participation in a special event that had place recently in New York. The C2C Symposium lasts several days and celebrates products and innovation in the floor covering world.

Tarkett was given a great role in presentations and questions considering business issues were discussing. Key representatives also talked about PVC material that is considered to be a very prospective and advantageous. PVS is criticized a lot though it is very affordable for masses of the population. In this session participated many experts and professionals of the industry and each of them had his own point of view about the reasons and efficiency of the material use. The session was full of debates and discussions. PVC material affects not only the environment but also human lives and the main question is how and in what a way it does so.

Nowadays PVC can be produced safely and can be recycled, and the responsible attitude towards our atmosphere and surroundings makes it a preferable building material. Christine Ayed is the company's vice president, and he expressed the opinion that only responsible manner of production and usage of PVC material can provide absolute safety for humankind and environment. Tarkett works only with good and extremely good materials. Tarkett also suggests a great recycling program that cannot remain unnoticed by public. All members of symposium remained proud of progress and contribution they made. More information and details you may find on the official site www.tarkett.com. 

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Tarkett in C2C Products Symposium


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